Once the festivities are over, the food is safely stored in shallow containers in the refrigerator, and you finally get a chance to relax - you might find yourself struggling with a Holiday Hangover.
After a few days of stressful gatherings, lots of food and drink, and the next holiday party right around the corner - it’s not uncommon to feel a little tired and depressed.
This is when leftovers can be your best friend. As you take time to relax and recharge, open the fridge, grab an already prepared meal and enjoy your extra time. If you prefer, simply reheat your leftovers. If you like to cook, upcycle your leftovers into a new dish.
Easy Upcycled Holiday Leftover Recipes
Oatmeal, Sweet Potato Pancakes (V)
1 Tbsp butter
½ Cup oats
¼ Cup water
½ Mashed sweet potato
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp honey
1 Tbsp maple syrup
Melt Butter in Pan
Add Oats and Water
Mash Sweet Potato
Reduce Heat
Add Sweet Potato, Honey, Cinnamon, and Flax
Mix and Increase Heat
Top with Maple Syrup
Turkey and Rice Soup (GF)
Potato Burrito (GF* and V**)